November's Volunteer of the Month

Paige Burnet is a sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis studying Biomedical Engineering. She has been volunteering with GGO for a year and is currently President of GGO at WashU. GGO asked Paige the following questions to highlight her dedication and hard work.

Q: What originally drew you to the organization?
A: I was originally drawn to GGO because it seemed like the perfect blend of two of my passions - the outdoors and volunteering!

Q: Do you have a favorite experience or memory of your time as a volunteer?
A: My favorite memory is the rock climbing trip I went on last semester. Many of the students had never been rock climbing before and were nervous about trying it. By the end, all of the students conquered their fears and were rooting each other on too! It was really great seeing them all come together to motivate one another to step outside of their comfort zones.

Q: What motivates you to continue volunteering with GGO?/Why do you like volunteering with GGO?
A: Seeing the students really click with the material and the program keeps me volunteering. I'm always impressed by the intelligent and though provoking questions they ask us. They are really enthusiastic too! Even seemingly simple things, like trying red peppers for the first time, get them excited.

Q: Do you have any advice for someone who is considering becoming a volunteer?
A: Definitely give it a go! Stay open minded, keep things in perspective, and remember the impact you are having on the students and the local community. It's a ton of fun too!

Nadav Sprague